the origins of


gwyneth’s garden has been a concept for many years. from it starting off as a sketch that i initially didn’t like, to it becoming a business idea and to now, finally, becoming a form of art.

my garden started with the idea of my initial piece, growth comes in different forms. this piece spearheaded the idea of creating my own little world to share with people. this world, or garden, symbolizes the growth of each individual - and that there is no right or wrong way in our own journeys of growth, hence:


from time to time, i find myself in a game of comparison, thinking i should do more or that i’m behind in the game of life. but in reality, i am experiencing my own journey and that there isn’t a way for me to do more than doing the best i can in each situation.

gwyneth’s garden is a place that encourages growth in each individual.

growth in life, love, and art.

i encourage us to do the best in everything that we do and to be reminded that our journey is uniquely our own.

love, regine gwyneth