growth comes in different forms

finished September 2021.

this piece was the first piece that came into fruition when thinking about what i wanted to showcase as an artist. i had written “growth comes in different forms” in my notes app during a transformative period of my life. i had just quit a job that provided me with monetary stability and was on the journey of finding who i was and what i stood for. i got a job to work at a Houston theatre and was lucky enough to intern there over the summer of 2021. while working with them, i realized where my passions lie.

there was a part of me that felt guilty going into a creative field. a part of me claiming that it wasn’t for me, or that is wasn’t sustainable. this part of me led my life for years, until it felt like if i tried to pursue it, i was already behind the people who had chosen to go into this lifestyle earlier in their life. a friend of mine also came to this conclusion, but he didn’t believe that he was behind, he believed that he was experiencing life at his own time.

this inspired me to not worry about the story and timelines of others, but to focus on my own journey and to commit to being who i want to be.

i am an artist. i am a creator. i am everything i can think of.

this mindset and lifestyle switch allows me to share this mentality with you all. in this piece, “growth comes in different forms,” it reminds me of the journey that i am fortunate enough to enjoy and learn from. everyday i am growing to be the person i am, which is different from the journey of others. i am just glad that we are able to grow together as a community in this unique experience of life.

i encourage us to do the best in everything that we do and to be reminded that our journey is uniquely our own.


