friends, family, & lovers

friends, family, & lovers

Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.

would you be interested in helping me with a project?

i am creating an art piece that represents "the greatest love," and would love your input.

throughout life, we experience so many great people and love. whether it be your significant other, mother, cat or anything really, we as humans experience such a wonderful emotion that forever changes who we are. love. this emotion that we experience from one another is so unique to everyone's situation, yet, is a universal feeling. i want to create a piece that represents that.

if you could write a letter to your own greatest love (you can even send me multiple letters), what would you tell them? how do you feel? their impact? anything you want to say?

if you would like to be a part of this project, please handwrite your feelings in a letter! you can change your name/their name/write "anon." whatever you're comfortable with, but please handwrite it!


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“growth comes in different forMs.”

September 2021